Friday 10 January 2014

OVER-SIZED Woman's Brain: Slim People out there


Today on my way home I sat next to an over-sized woman. From my point of view it was not a 'great' experience because I had to sit on one butt. We use buses which you board at a bus terminal depending on one's destination. So, I enter a bus and there are about five or six empty seats. One was near the entrance of the bus which many people would prefer but, the person that was sitting next to the window took up her seat and half of the attached seat. You could see that no one wanted to sit next to her. I then decided to sit next to her.

Many a times when I am in a situation thoughts always come to my mind. For example, there was this one time that I accidentally over sprayed a pretty strong perfume and I wasn't going to take a shower again. In the bus when the person who had be sitting next to me moved to the neighbouring seat, I immediately started thinking to myself, "Did he move because of me?" "Someone who has asthma must really be suffering right now?" "Should I have just showered?" "I will never repeat this mistake again."
I figured out that the over-sized woman might have been thinking to herself, "I know people don't want to sit next to me." "Do these know how hard I have tried to lose weight?" "Those girls are talking about me." "I might be forced to pay for two seats." "Maybe I just need to get my own car but can I afford it..." These thoughts are torture enough to make someone be depressed.
The reason to why I decided to sit next to her was because I imagined myself being that size and, everyone in the bus looking at me as if I had taken their plate of food from them. If I were in her shoes I would feel bad or at least that's the way I see it. But it could be different if she likes being that size. I try to be nice because I don't know her situation.
For all the slim people out there, it is my wish that we would show love to the over-sized and vice versa. As long you don't know their situation, let's try not to judge and put ourselves in the others shoes. When someone reaches out for help, do what you can. Above all lets strive to be healthy.

Thursday 9 January 2014

Remember How You Felt: TEMPERAMENTS

Does anyone ever have those times in life when you say to yourself to remember how something felt so that you don't make someone else feel that way? Yes, I just had one of those moments. I wish that people would get to know others better. By that I mean knowing their temperaments that way not offending them.
In life I have found out that one of the few ways to be at peace with others is by understanding them and knowing that people are different. What might offend A might not offend B depending on personality. Sometimes I feel like I spend a lot of time trying to understand people but people don't take time to understand me. I don't get upset when strangers offend me but when someone who knows me does I ask myself, "Why would you do that?" For me, sorry is a word that comes out of my mouth easily, I even say it when it's not my fault and when it's totally my fault I acknowledge and never repeat the mistake (This is actually one of my strength).
What is my point? I guess people will always offend you no matter what you do. Even when they know you don't like something, they still do it. But you can choose to be happy and learn from your experiences and how you felt so that you can be a better person. One thing I ask myself before I do something is, "Would I want someone to do the same for me?" If my answer is yes then I would do it and if my answer is no then I just don't do it.
Anyway, this is just me ranting about not treating others as one would like to be treated. Have you ever had those moments? And what was your reaction?
How did you or a friend handle the situation?